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Resource type: Toolbox


A roadmap that offers suggestions for schools and national coordinators on how to identify, approach and create a sustainable connection with external societal actors in living lab projects
This roadmap gives the main elements to help teachers plan and implement open-schooling projects in and outside their classroom.
The roadmap for teachers and educators has been enriched with further additions
Practical guidance and training materials addressed to educators on how a school living lab activity can involve relevant societal actors. The support materials exemplifies the engagement methodology of SALL and make it accessible and immediately usable by schools.
Get inspired by this easy-to-use collection of visually designed summaries showcasing the results of the SALL project.
This document offers all the partners, stakeholders, teachers and trainers more details about the benefits of the SALL methodology.
The Schools As Living Labs – SALL Canva is a useful summary outlining a concrete approach to science education programs by promoting collaboration between schools and local communities, utilising the living-lab methodology to facilitate a transformation in the European educational landscape.